I am Fadil R, a PHP / Symfony developer with more than 10 years of experience and my cybername is fadilxcoder.
I've developed Android Apps / API gateways, Web & Desktop GUI Apps by using PHP Frameworks such as Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter & also my own Micro PHP MVC framework HFX (based on symfony components).
Work with docker, setting up github action, CI/CD pipelines for gitlab and also very passionate about Hacking / Internet Security.
Also familiar with Golang, Python with AI and JavaScript tools such as (Typescript / node.js / webpack / babel / laravel mix / vue.js) and App development such as Apache Cordova / Adobe Phonegap / Flutter.
Contributing to the DEV Community since 2019. Developed PHP Packages & Chrome plugin
2019 - NOW
PHP / Symfony Developer
BOCASAY (Maurice) Limitée
Web architect - developed custom made apps using Symfony 2-7 / API Client & Server / VCS / Docker / CI-CD pipelines / Agile methodology
2016 - 2019
Senior Full Stack Web Developer
Technology10 Ltd
Managing IT projects (frontend / Backend) with different complexity level. Project analysis, PSD into UI/UX and deployment, DB modeling, Security Mesures.
2014 – 2016
Technology10 Ltd
Worked on different projects with low complexity & doing my BSC. Informatique Appliqué.
2014 (3")
Technology10 Ltd
Working with HTML5/CSS3 & PHP. Learning MVC framework Codeigniter, Bootstrap.
2014 - 2016
Licence (Bsc) Informatique Appliqué - Technologique Informatique
Université des Mascareigne / Université de Limoges
Part Time
2012 – 2014
Diplome Informatique Appliqué
Université des Mascareigne / Université de Limoges
Full Time
• OS - Linux / Windows
• PHP (CLI / OOP / MVC / Hexagonal Architecture)
• Desktop GUI Apps
• DBMS (DBA, MySQL / SQLite / MariaDB / PostgreSQL / MongoDB)
• CMS (WordPress Theme Dev. / Prestashop Dev.)
• Codeigniter
• Laravel
• Symfony
• Symfony API Platform
• Laravel Lumen & Jigsaw
• Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
• Version Control System (VCS)
• Automated deployment / CI-CD pipelines
• Docker / Kubernetes / .helms
• HTML5 / Bootstrap / jQuery Mobile
• JavaScript / JQuery / Vue.js / NPM
• CSS3 / Media Queries / SASS
• Microservices / RESTful API / GraphQL / Postman & tests
• Elasticsearch
• Redis / Memcache
• Adobe PhoneGap / Cordova / Flutter - Android Apps
• PHPUnit
• Golang
• Python with AI
• Automation jobs
- Tools development for Testers / Product Owner / Project Manager (Git GUI & MakeFile) & Developers.
- Use of DBMS (MySQL / PostgreSQL / MariaDB / SQLite / Google Firebase / MongoDB), Redis & Elasticsearch with dockerize environment.
- Web Application using Symfony / Laravel / Codeigniter / Microservices architecture / API gateways / public-private keys with JWT, OAuth2 & Bearer tokens (Client & Server).
- DevOps / Hosting / Domain / FTP / DNS / DB / Emails / SSH deployment, Heroku, CI/CD pipelines, Automated deployment.
- Perform Architecture setup, Requirements Analysis, Database Modeling & Maintenance of projects.
- Use of PHP desktop GUI Framework for tailor-made softwares.
- Work with Payment Gateway Services (MCB, Cybersource Payment Gateway, Stripe).
- Developed Android App consisting of Flutter, HTML, JS, JQuery Mobile, Cordova, PhoneGap, LocalStorage, Service Workers, Cache Storage.
- Agile methodology & DSM & Kanban / Trello / Azure Devops.
- Familiar with AWS EC2 - C9.
- Developed Micro PHP MVC Framework HeliFox (HFX) comprising of symfony components.
- More than 100 Git repositories (multiple PoC, personal projects, Api gateways - client & server, Dev tools, PSR packages, reverse-proxy & chrome plugins).
- Secured web application login functionality with 2 Factor Authentication.
- Frontend auto-deployment on netlify, vercel, surge, Firebase
- Working from time to time with Python / Bash scripting / Node
WebCup Mauritius 2017 - Team ICYXENON
Krakathon 2017 by ict.io - Team HADX
MCB INOVAPP 1.0 in 2018 - Team XCODERS
MCB INOVAPP 2.0 in 2019 - Team XCODERS
Backend Development
OOP / SOLID / MVC / Microservices/ API Server / Hexagonal Architecture / CLI tools.
Frontend Development
HTML from scratch & Themes / Assets compilation (JS / CSS) / API Client.
Mobile App Development
Android Apps development with API Client / Server secured communication.